S Scott and Sons Ltd Logo

Quality scrap metal dealers for over 45 years

We do not supply car spares



S Scott and Sons Ltd

Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate West


Bury St Edmunds


IP31 2BN


Opening hours: 

Monday to Friday: 8am-5pm

Saturday: 8am-12pm

Sunday: Closed

S Scott and Sons Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 6476241. Registered Company Address: 15 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1NX

Scrap metal dealers in Stanton, Bury St Edmunds

* Required

To arrange a collection or to discuss materials you'd like to dispose of, contact our scrap metal dealers or pay us a visit, we are based in Stanton to the west part of the industrial estate, just look for the crane on the hill.


01359 269 378

(We do not supply car spares)